Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

dunia otomotif modifikasi motor


1 May 2009
Forth the most economical and cool it using a motorcycle, but if you put forth a motor Matic? why not!?. Assuming the common people, motor matic less suitable for long distance use, alias just for inside the city. Well who’s to say?! …
I myself, more often use motor matic to visit areas that are still cool, especially the high plains and mountains. Likewise with the event going home, every month I do perjalakan approximately 150 Kilometers to meet my parents, more efficient and faster. 150 Kilometers travel takes 2.5 hours and about 2-3 liters of gasoline.
Or favorite hobby is difficult to understand, there is more choice kok car motor? most people would say.
When going home this time you’ve decided to use a motor matic, you should double-check your state motor matic. Surely if there diperjalanan constraints, matic motor is still relatively difficult to find his shop except in authorized workshops.
If you have not experienced I recommend to take it to the official garage to check, here is a checklist that may be useful for you.
CVT is the most important part to get attention, Check Drive Belt is still good or not, when it began the cracks, should be replaced, on average will experience a rift belt at 15000-20000 miles, depending on usage. Then check Roller, when it becomes worn or no longer round, should be replaced. Clutch and clutch spring, check whether the pads were thick canvas or not, if the thinning should be replaced, the thin canvass can cause slips, the result will be more hot CVT, and power will be reduced especially if the ramp.

Front and rear brakes should be in top shape, do not ever reckless driving with the brakes condition free from tension or less good, because it is very, very dangerous. Matic machines have engines very small break, so the role of the brakes (Front and back) is very vital.

Carburetor air filter and
Clean the air filter, to the carburetor, just sprayed using Carburator Cleaner.

Reset valve rift manual refers to each motor matic. Do not be too far apart and not too tight.

When the oil is nearing replacement time, you should change the oil immediately. Use the oil according to the specifications.

Lumai the parts that require lubrication such as the base of the brake lever, standard, Footstep, etc.. Use lubricants that contain silicone (WD 40, AP 75) to be easily cleaned.

Do not regard lightly the safety accessories such as Spion, Instrument Lights (headlights, sein, brakes) must be functioning properly.

Safety is primary, respect fellow road users, safe going home:)

honda cs1

15 March 2009

CS1 picture pictures honda CS1
er you want to know not spesiifiikasi motor CS1,,
on this blog bayk kept secret about this one motor,,
curious ?????
Based on the information contained in the brochure Honda CS1, motor specifications described below:
Length x width x height: 1932 x 682 x 1042 mm
Axle distance: 1251 mm
Lowest distance to the ground: 130 mm
Empty weight: 114 kg
Type of housing: Twin tube frame
Type front suspension: Teleskopik
Type of rear suspension: Single (Monoshock)
Front tire size: 70/90 – 17 M / C 38P
Rear tire size: 80/90 – 17 M / C 44P
Front and rear brake: hydraulic disc, with a double and a single piston to the rear
Fuel tank capacity: 4.1 liters
Engine type: 4 steps, OHC, cooling water
Cooling system: Radiator with electric fan
Diameter x measures: 58 x 47.2 mm
Volume measures: 124.7 cc
Maximum power: 9.44 kW / 10,000 rpm
Maximum torque: 10.2 N.m / 7500 rpm
Clutch: manual, multiplate wet clutch
Dental transmission: 5 speed
Pattern pengoperan teeth: 1-N-2-3-4-5
Starter: electrik & kick starter
Ignition system: DC – CDI
picture honda 125cc engine CS1

if honda is not arbitrary note when selecting the engine cooling system, not just the radiator, but the radiator is equipped with an electric fan, so as to keep the engine can keep the temperature even in a traffic jam conditions. honda engine engine warranty 3 years or 30,000 km. CS1 body color choices is temporarily available in a choice of colors: cosmic black, silver lightning, burning red, and gold Hornet.

Ontheroad Price: Rp.17.300.000 (6 April 2008)
for the credit to be redeemed by payment installments starting 3jt with 11x (Rp.1591.000), 17x (Rp.1.114.500), 23x (Rp.889.500), 29x (764,500) and 35x (676,500)

modifikasi tiger

4 February 2009
Many times a biker regret making modifications only for trivial reasons. “It’s been out a lot of money kok ga still comfy, too”. Ga comfortable yes, because the model is still less gahar chill, less dynamic, or less compact. Visible here and there is still dirty. Such feelings could also arise because the motor is still good to drive, aka geyal-ga geyol karuan, less airodinamis appropriate posture, or weight ga ngacir strong. Or, most important, which is run modif not meet the security element. The longer the improvements here and there makes the bag even more rude. Overbudjet and most severe, bored before the project itself perfect modif.
Ironic indeed, modif which was expected to bring satisfaction and pride now it brings a sense of frustration and embarrassment. Not to mention the sacrifice of cost, effort, and time is not small. So what our tips to avoid problems like the above?
Edwin Tutkey, a biker-looking tiger quite moderate, once likened the modif it like a house built projects. “That kitchen is often ate a lot of costs”. That is, the modif details that we need to be more careful because if the layout and model fitting ga, will give the impression less comfortable and ultimately require additional costs constant.
Someone could make an outline of the desired modif like an architect designing a house blue print. But outside the calculations on paper, its realization is sometimes had to ask for additional budget and time is not small. For a hobby modifikator modif and reliable, motor menganggurkan weeks to many months are common. Fund issued a modest one if necessary. But for those who make the ride as working assets and social assets, would be very difficult to lose a ride if only for a few days or 2-3 weeks.
Then if so, what is the solution? Try to consider the following tips:
1. Prepare the motor you want to dimodif. Should think carefully such that the motor was time to completely revamped. Like your clothing, motor overhaul will spend quite a lot of cost. Motor that really should’ve hard body is rejuvenated & one of the most revolutionary is to change the legs and overall body appearance. However, if the engine is bad, you should not. It will be more awkward and embarrassing. “Cook’s cute motor euuuuiiiiiyyy strike”, he teased a group of cool cew bang sometime in the longer ndorong Yogi modifnya motor.
2. Determine the direction in which the concept modif you want. Clarify in advance for your function. These modif concept should do for a particular purpose. If for daily use, you simply select the concept of minimalist modif. One of the most obvious of these forces is to improve the things that you feel is not perfect. In the case of motor tiger, you can choose between changing the legs or changing body. Many consider that the tiger is the perfect bike, but minus some details. And what they mean is the legs. If you are not satisfied with this, please apply the highest satisfaction considering the waste is located at the foot of using waste modif moge (read article Modifications to the Starter Motor). The price is relatively affordable compared to buying a new leg of the same type moge.
But if you are more hooked change body style, could be looking for fiber or plate body which is usually available at accessory shops and garages modifications. If redeemed at the general store, the result would be mass often make many aliases. Of course if you want more content and unique, please go to the workshop to be made in accordance modif concept of cool.
Typically, modif legs will bear streetfighter look, because the original model is a naked bike tiger. By enlarging the feet of waste motor mengensankan moge will be ready for this type of all melibas route in the city. But if you do modif body accompanied by a change let alone the fairing model, the results often we call the style “sport bike”.
3. Discuss with modifikator or your friends about the concept. Adjust the budjet. Especially once you have fussy about some details. Ask the concept modifikator he was prepared according to your wishes, reply to ask for an example (photo) has become the motor. Ask to the details, and how much the total cost of the lowest cost if you do not need to change some details of the concepts / examples offered.
4. After getting a first draft, take it to the house for consideration. Do not be decided in the workshop when it was also because of psychological distress and you can so you are overexcited (too happy). Consideration the benefits to the style you want and do not hesitate to seek advice from family and other colleagues who might be helpful.
5. Review all right again. Calculate the total cost and calculate the new cost more if some details were omitted.
6. If you have decided between the total modif appropriate initial concept of modifikator or only partly, it is time you contact another modifikator for another price opinion (second opinion) to obtain another option (second option). If you are comparing satisfied, now you can go back to the shop or store that you want.
7. Make a clear contract with modifikator its cost and payment terms, quality of workmanship and time. Get used to always see on a regular basis to ensure the job went according to plan. Take care to avoid the concept offers / new details could result in exceeding the budget budjet.
8. Do not forget to check in detail the details and the overall results after the motor kelar modif. If you need to make a news show about his condition before accepted. Make sure everything is OK before the handover and the payment in full.
9. Try all went well and persuasively. Each of our communication with modifikator will impact on future aftermodif services. Each vehicle must have a level modif “risk” and “crisis” in contrast to the standard motor. Therefore, not all can handle a general mechanic. The best deal in the event of trouble is modifikatornya own. Therefore, your communication is good (and also a good payment) will give satisfaction to each party, and may thus also on other aftermodif cooperation.
Contribute a better translation

modifikasi motor

4 February 2009
yyrh/DOCUME~1/kupu/LOCALS~1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg” alt=”" /> Sejalan dengan banyaknya jenis dan type motor yang beredar dijalanan, banyak pengendara motor/rider yang memodifikasi motornya agar “beda” dengan motor lainnya. Aliran yang diambil macam-macam, seperti misalnya: Supermoto, Motocross, chopper, classic, retro, ceper, rat bike, street fighter dan lain-lain.
Seringkali terjadi, dibalik modifikasi yang serba “wah” dan “cool”, terdapat kekurangan-kekurangan yang berkaitan dengan segi teknis maupun tampilan.
Entah karena dana yang terbatas atau memang kurang pergaulan, sering ditemukan modifikasi yang “kacau” dan “tidak safety”. Bisa dilihat motor yang paduan warnanya kontras tapi cenderung norak, atau motor yang dimodif tinggi tapi bannya ukuran standar, atau lampu yang terlalu kecil/besar dibandingkan body dan lain2nya. Kecuali modifikasi memang dikhususkan untuk show atau pameran, faktor fungsi akan dikesampingkan.
Menurut hemat saya, inti dari seni modifikasi untuk motor harian terdiri dari dua, yaitu: FUNGSIONAL hal apa saja yang tercakup didalamnya, adalah seperti sebagai berikut ini.
Hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan fungsi dari si motor itu sendiri dan juga kelaikan jalannya.
a. Faktor Safety
Modifikasi tidak boleh mengesampingkan faktor safety pada saat dikendarai. Seperti modifikasi rem dan kaki-kaki. Jika memang chasis tidak memungkinkan, jangan dipaksakan untuk dibuat monoshock atau menggunakan peninggi shock yang tidak safety: diputar atau menambah anting atas. Shock akan cepat bengkok dan titik center wight menjadi bergeser sehingga handling motor berubah dan cenderung kurang stabil. Juga pemilihan ban harus sesuai dengan kondisi jalan dan bentuk motor. Menggunakan ban tapak kecil untuk motor yan gsudah dimodifikasi menjadi supermoto hanya mencari penyakit saja karena motor menjadi tidak imbang apalagi dikecepatan tinggi.
b. Kelengkapan dan Kesesuaian Dengan Standar.
Modifikasi yang menyangkut kelengkapan kendaraan dan kesesuaian detail seperti warna lampu dan spion. Jangan menggunakan lampu bohlam putih untuk rem, selain menyilaukan pengendara dibelakang, juga tidak sesuai dengan UULAJ yang mengharuskan warna merah untuk lampu stop/rem. Jangan menggunakan warna selain standar untuk head lamp. Contohnya head lamp dilapis sticker transparan merah atau biru. Warna merah dan biru tidak bisa menganalisir kondisi jalan berlubang dijalanan yang sangat gelap/minim penerangan karena jatuhnya bayangan saru dengan warna lampu yang biru atau merah.
c. Kesesuaian Motor Dengan Pengendara.
Jangan memodif motor yang mengakibatkan pengendaranya menjadi susah. Contohnya, dengan tinggi hanya 155 cm, memodif motor menjadi Supermoto dengan ground clearence 30 cm misalnya. Atau badan kurus kecil, modif motor menjadi chopper ala Harley fatboy. Atau motor dengan gaya low rider extrem sampai dek atau chasis menggosok aspal.
Secara tampilan dan juga faktor kenyamanan bagi yang bersangkutan sudah pasti nol besar.
Modifikasi motor, selain faktor safety, juga harus memperhatikan bentuk dan keselarasannya. Banyak ditemukan modifikasi motor yang “maksa” dan cenderung “nyakitin mata” karena tidak proporsional.
Yang tercakup didalamnya adalah:
1. Detail
Detail disini, dimaksudkan bahwa modifikasi yang dilakukan tidak sembarangan/asal2an. Semua bagian dari motor tersentuh dan tidak terabaikan. Bentuk las-an, warna, sampai pemilihan baut dan sticker yang sesuai dengan tema dari modifikasi. Kemudian penempatan/pemilihan asesoris yang sesuai dan tidak maksa. Panjang x lebar x tinggi, penggunaan/pemilihan tipe ban dll.
2. Thematis
Modifikasi yang baik, tidak mengabaikan thema dari modifikasinya. Misalnya Supermoto, sebaiknya tidak menggunakan setang jepit atau ban kecil misalnya. Atau Street Fighter tidak menggunakan lampu yang besar dan “berat”. Juga chopper, mungkin akan aneh jika menggunakan spakbor depan trail misalnya.
Sticker juga jangan asal pasang. Sebelum modif cari tau dulu thema sticker yang cocok untuk ditempel di body motor. Jangan menggunakan sticker Harley untuk Supermoto, karena hanya buat motor jadi aneh dan bahan ketawaan.
3. Kerapihan
Sudah pasti bangga menjadi anak Club Motor, banyak teman dan status sosial tersendiri. Tapi jika penempatan sticker club yang terlalu banyak dan “asal tempel yang penting muat” malah akan mengurangi kadar keindahan dari hasil modifikasinya. selain itu, bahan sticker club biasanya kurang bagus, sehingga baru diipasang sebulans udah pudar atau rontok dan meninggalkan bekas.
4. Teknikal
Modifikasi juga harus menyentuh bagian mesin. Percuma motor tongkrongan Supermoto atau Street Fighter tapi larinya cuma bisa mengimbangi angkot dan kopaja saja. Bukan menyarankan untuk kebut2an, tapi sebaiknya ada penyesuaian sehingga modifikasi “tidak percuma”.
Selain itu, pengapian dan pemilihan Knalpot tidak bisa diabaikan. Salah pemilihan jenis knalpot bisa berakibat fatal pada mesin dalam jangka panjang. Penggunaan lampu-lampu tambahan yang berlebihan juga menambah beban mesin dan memperpendek umur aki dan perangkat kelistrikan lainnya.
Demikian secara singkat, inti dari sebuah modifikasi motor untuk penggunaan harian/touring. Semoga bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan bari kawan-kawan yang ingin memodifikasi motor agar tidak “salah bikin” atau “maksa”.

ring piston bermasalah?

23 January 2009
Performa mesin adalah salah satu perhatian penting para pengendara. Paling enak, begitu gas diinjak dapur pacu mobil merespon dengan amat maksimal. Pengendara pasti mengeluh bila mesin terasa tak bertenaga. Bukan hanya karena mesin payah, tapi praktis gejala semacam ini juga menunjukkan konsumsi bahan bakar yang boros. Pada umumnya, salah satu yang menyebabkan kondisi ini adalah adanya kebocoran kompresi mesin. Kompresi yang normal akan menghasilkan tenaga mesin yang maksimal. Kompresi menjadi tidak normal ketika terdapat kebocoran. Kebocoran dapat menyebabkan kompresi mesin menurun sehingga output yang dihasilkan mesin pun kecil. Diantara beberapa kemungkinan yang dapat menyebabkan kebocoran adalah kerusakan pada ring piston. Komponen yang terletak di dalam mesin ini dapat tergores (aus), atau kotor. Hubungan antara kondisi ring piston dan kebocoran mesin sangat kuat mengingat ring piston memegang peranan penting dalam menjaga kerapatan antara piston dan dinding silinder. Dengan kerapatan ini, ring piston akan mencegah terlalu banyaknya campuran bahan bakar dan udara masuk ke ruang oli. Ini perlu dicegah karena bila terlalu banyak masuk ke ruang oli, akan menyebabkan tekanan kompresi mesin menurun. Nah, bila merasakan tenaga mesin yang lemah disertai gejala-gejala seperti di atas, maka coba fokuskan perhatian ke masalah kompresi. Caranya: Lakukan tes tekanan kompresi. Ada alat khusus yang bisa digunakan yang bisa menunjukkan standar tekanan kompresi yang diijinkan oleh masing-masing kendaraan. Bila tekanan kompresi ternyata di bawah standar, langkah selanjutnya adalah menemukan penyebab masalah kompresi. Hubungan antara kompresi dan kerusakan ring piston dapat diketahui dengan cara menambahkan oli ke dalam silinder pada saat melakukan tes kompresi. Tes ini perlu dilakukan mengingat penyebab kompresi bocor tidak hanya kerusakan pada ring piston. Bisa juga disebabkan oleh seal katup dan katupnya aus; paking silinder head (gasket) tidak dapat merapatkan blok silinder dan silinder head. Apabila, kompresi naik setelah ditambahkan oli, maka penyebab utamanya hanya dua: dinding silinder dan ring piston. Bila sudah terbukti ring piston rusak, solusi satu-satunya adalah overhaul. Sebetulnya, masalah di atas dapat kita hindari. Yaitu, dengan melakukan perawatan rutin. Terutama, yang terkait dengan oli mesin dan sistem pendinginan mesin (air radiator). Oli harus diperiksa dan diganti secara rutin. Pergantian oli tergantung pada tipe yang digunakan. Bisa setiap 5.000 km, 10.000 km dst. Tergantung rekomendasi produsen oli. Kuantitas dan kualitas oli juga harus diperiksa. Harus diantara garis E – F. Lebih save bila berada di posisi F. Begitu juga air radiator. Kuantitas dan kulitasnya harus dijaga. Jangan sampai timbul korosi berlebihan yang dapat menghambat proses pendinginan mesin.

Matic……OK downk.

22 January 2009
Along with the widespread use of motor skutic matic or in the community, it would appear too many thoughts about the motor matic side.
One of them is about the dangers of driving habits;
“The habit of using non-matic motor, then use the motor matic will cause problems. Forgetfulness is the handle of the gas used to play at the beginning of such non-matic motor, so the motor will be directly matic and sped up because the gas quickly and suddenly. “

It may be above opinion is true, considering that most of Indonesian people have a culture indifferent to the safety, discipline and lack of knowledge of procedures for the use (SOP = Standard Operational Procedure).
Business of Motor Manufacturers:
But of course the manufacturer is out and sell this product matic will not remain silent with their market conditions are “low edukated” this. Surely the Technical Education and the Business to consumer products, they (the motor manufacturers and sales distribution network) will continue to try to design a safe operation as well as technically and educating people on how to use and drive a motor matic product correctly. Indeed all these efforts will come back again useful to support their product sales.
Knowledge Society and Information Flow:
Currently, the Indonesian people also began to reach the various media of information and knowledge. Internet media began to reach into all levels of society. Internet presence in remote schools, hot spots in public places and some public facilities government.
Communication technologies more affordable will also stimulate the public interest to obtain the latest information.
Indonesian society will more easily connect and interact with the flow of information and knowledge, which will assist and encourage these nations to get to know and accept the general progress of technology and transportation in particular. Motor Matic is no longer a difficult thing to understand, including the methods and procedures for the correct usage.

By Design Technical:
Matic motor designed with security devices when first turned on. Brake lever to be pulled first, if the rider wants to turn this engine matic. Matic motor or engine is certainly not going to live. So the sequence of this procedure will immediately remind the driver to realize that this motor system adopted CVT / matic which is not allowed to play at the gas handle on silent motor. “Signal Remainder procedure” (the same principle used by car matic, matic and the car did not ‘jump’ when first turned on when used with non-matic variant of cars, too).
Discipline Driver:
It is the main factor remains held by the discipline concerned motor driver. Of course, with self-disciplined when driving any vehicle that, this kind of ridiculous events do not need to happen. This attitude is very much needed discipline did not look at whether the driver was driving a motor variants and non-matic matic, so all vehicles can be very dangerous without kedisiplian supported by the drive or start driving the vehicle.
Fact Matic field:
Based on the facts in the field, how many drivers are accustomed to using the motor non-matic variant will have an accident like that diopinikan above? especially when I started using motor matic variant? There is no significant data to support this article. But surely if similar incidents are frequent, then it is not possible matic variant increasingly become the trend motorcycle like this. Such accidents over the course opinions will be blunders developments and trends matic barriers in Indonesia.
Currently based on AISI (Motorcycle Industry Association of Indonesia) for selling perkategori, matic motor develops an enormous contribution in the 5 years that have passed and the greater projected until 2012 to come.
When events occur frequently diopinikan above, the AISI data certainly would not say so.
So based on this AISI data, it has happened according to the above opinion and the opinion was limited discourse and no clear statistical evidence. Facts speak other field through AISI data.

Motor Matic….

22 January 2009
1. Yamaha Mio
Bisa dibilang Mio merupakan bintangnya motor matik di Indonesia. Bagaimana tidak sejak peluncurannya hingga saat ini, penjualan Mio mampu mendongkrak share penjualan Yamaha. Kehadirannya bahkan membuat sang kakak alias Nouvo menjadi kalah populer. Lucunya, meski diperuntukkan untuk kaum hawa, Mio terbukti laris manis dibeli para pejantan tangguh. Kalau mau jujur, Mio berhasil mengedukasi pasar dan membenamkan image bahwa motor matik oke-oke saja digunakan untuk aktivitas sehari-hari.
Kalaupun ada yang kurang dari sosok Mio adalah faktor tangki bahan bakar yang imut, sehingga membuatnya harus sering mampir ke pompa bensin. Kapasitas tangki Mio menurut buku manual ”cuma” 3,7 liter — sama dengan bebek Honda. Masalahnya, motor matik cenderung boros karena membutuhkan putaran mesin yang cukup tinggi agar motor bisa bergerak — lebih tinggi dari motor bebek dan motor sport. Selain itu, penyakit bawaan Mio adalah bunyi tikus di sektor roda belakang. Read more…

Motor bakar

21 January 2009
Mesin diesel adalah sejenis mesin pembakaran dalam; lebih spesifik lagi, sebuah mesin pemicu kompresi, dimana bahan bakar dinyalakan oleh suhu tinggi gas yang dikompresi, dan bukan oleh alat berenergi lain (seperti busi).
Read more…

Trik Ngirit BBM

20 January 2009


Setiap kali pemerintah mengumumkan kenaikan harga bbm pasti pemilik kendaraan dibuat cemas. Kenyataan ini membuat kita harus pandai-pandai memutar otak menyiasati asupan BBM. Meskipun perilaku hemat bahan bakar ini tergantung pada pemilik kendaraan, namun tak ada salahnya kita cermati beberapa trik hemat bahan bakar berikut:
- Hindari memanaskan mesin terlalu lama, waktu tiga menit adalah waktu yang ideal memanaskan mesin kendaraan Anda. Ketika jarum penunjuk suhu mesin mulai bergerak, Anda sudah bisa menggunakan mobil. Read more…

tips nech buat kalian yang ingin bore up motor

12 December 2008

Piston Bore-up Segala Motor

Sekilas ajang Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) hanya cocok buat car lovers. Jelas itu tak dipungkiri, sebab memang hanya ATPM roda empat saja yang turun gunung. Namun jika Anda rajin menyisir lebih dalam se-antero Jakarta Convention Centre, tempat IIMS 2008 digelar, sebuah stand yang memajang piston buat pecinta motor bore-up akan Anda temui.
Booth special buat bikers tersebut posisinya di lower lobby. “Kami dari perusahaan lokal khusus membuat piston motor. Salah satunya kami memasok merek Aspira untuk piston motor harian,” beber Gusrizal, kadept. Operational, PT Bakom Metal Industri (BMI) yang pabriknya berdiri di Narogong, Bogor. Read more…

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